Monday, 11 May 2015 01:05
Major General Syed Imran Majeed, who was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed Surgeon General Pakistan Army a few days ago, wore his new ranks today at the Army Medical College. The rank wearing ceremony was held in Ayub Hall and attended by approximately 750 people filling the hall to more than full capacity. Lt. Gen. Imran Majeed joined in the first batch of the Army Medical College and graduated as the Best Student.
The ceremony started at 9:15 am with the recitation of the Holy Quran. The Principal AMC, Gen. Abbas then announced that the students of Army Medical College had submitted a request to add some color to the ceremony, which he could not decline. A student then performed on the guitar, followed by a brilliant performance by two young students showing football skills with body movements.
This was followed by the rank wearing ceremony where the new ranks were pinned by the out-going Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Azhar Rashid on one shoulder and Lt. Gen. Imran Majeed's wife, on the other shoulder. Lt. Gen. Azhar Rashid also presented Gen. Imran with a cane. The arrival of the two Surgeon General's, both Abdalians, got a standing ovation by the audience.
The ceremony was attended by the Army's medical fraternity, retired doctors and officers, his entry-mates from the 18th Entry, a large number of students of AMC, and of course Gen. Imran's proud family.
Congratulations Sir. You make us proud! Keep the flag high.