Tuesday, 15 February 2011 14:49
HOBA's Election Scrutiny Committee after deliberating over the nomination papers filed for the election of the President of the Abdalians Association has rejected all three nomination papers filed by Engr. Jameel Malik, Dr. Shoaib Shafi and Dr. Afaq Hussain. The Scrutiny Committee comprised of Engr. Sikander Khattak (President NWFP Chapter HOBA), Dr. Faisal Manzoor (Secretary General HOBA), Capt. (Retd) Nayyar Islam (Secretary Finance HOBA) and Mr. Amjad Saeed Yanzdanie (Member EC HOBA). Apparently, only three nomination papers were filed and after rejecting all three of them, it is not sure now if HOBA will conduct the elections as scheduled.
The HOBA administration has published the results of the Scrutiny Committee on its web site. One the face of it, it seems that the nomination papers have been rejected on petty technical grounds. (Click here to see the result). Engr. Jameel Malik has written a letter to the incumbent President, Syed Ashfaq Hussain, objecting to the decision of the Scrutiny Committee.
This is not the first time that HOBA's Scrutiny Committee has come under suspicion. Last year, interestingly, after Mr. Amjad Saeed Yazdanie filed objections to the Scruting Committee's decision, the "Wider Committee" set aside the Scrutiny Committee's decision and allowed the elections to go ahead. Ever since, the introduction of the revised bye-laws forced upon the Abdalian community a couple of years ago, the elections have become a farce. Lets see what happens this year!